Monday, January 11, 2016

We Care!

We completed a short inquiry project on caring! Check out project below....

What does it mean to care?

Caring means to love and to be thankful for the people that you love. -Hana

When you care you can give presents. -Haylee

You care when you be nice. -Preston

Caring is when you give. -Joshua

If someone got hurt you show you care by loving them.- Madeline 


"Showing We Care" trip to Allisonville Meadows and Yakey Tree Farm 

We traveled to a nursing home to show we care for others! First we caroled for our new friends. 

Next we played our student created Bingo with our friends and passed out an art creation for everyone to enjoy for the Holiday! 

On our way out we were able to visit and take pictures with the nursing home's pups! The kiddos especially loved this! 

Next we ventured to Yakey Tree Farm who graciously donated a "Giving Tree" for our outdoor learning environment! During our visit we learned about different pine trees and made observational drawings. 

We also caroled with our new friend Mr. Milt!

After we returned our classes hosted an after school open house we we made bird feeders for our new giving tree!

Favorite memories:

I loved meeting new people at the nursing home. -Ava

We went on a hike at Yakey Tree Farm and saw a tree house. I loved it! -Nathan

I love singing Jingle Bells!- Olivia 

I liked taking pictures with the dogs and playing Bingo!- Marlie

My favorite part was when we played games.- Jackson

I loved caroling!- Abby

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