Thursday, February 18, 2016

Morning Exploration Time

 Students played in the kitchen and wrote down their menu items.

 We played instruments to "Let It Go"

 We documented our learning.

We replicated the Great Wall of China.

"I see bugs and flowers.  I think they are pretty. 
 I wonder how bugs pollinate the flowers?"

"I made a spring. It is bendy."

"I made sunglasses!"

We love the Frozen book and pretending to be the characters!

"I made a castle. I wonder why castles need 
cannonballs and knights need horses to ride?"

Just making some predictions about the Super Bowl.

We enjoy building Lego creations and writing about it!

 We created a building for Spiderman to climb!

 We can build the Statue of Liberty.

There is always a long line at the American Girl store!

February kindness notes to our friends.

Writing kind notes to our classmates.

 Painting hearts of love to display in our classroom. 

Monthly Memories

Monthly Class Paintings

Our class canvas' are displayed outside of our classrooms.  
The children enjoy brainstorming ideas and painting their creations.

In August, we created fish to go along with our FCE fish philosophy.  We also read the book, Chrysanthemum, and talked about the importance of treating others with kindness.

In September, we had a yoga instructor visit.  We do yoga every day.
We also read, The Dot, by Peter Reynolds.  We created clay circles to represent our learning.

In October, we went on a field trip to the Farmers Market.  We especially enjoyed learning about the beehive and the pumpkin patch picking out our special individual pumpkins.

In November, we did our first pet PLB.  Our classes now have two lizard geckos, Rosie and Izzy. We have beta fish in our classrooms. We also got a goldfish, Fiona, for the whole school to enjoy in the office. 

In December, we did a service learning field trip.  We visited Allisonville Meadows.  We sang holiday songs and played bingo with the guests.  The students created the bingo cards and made homemade clay prizes.  Then we went to Yakey tree farm.  We learned about a variety of trees and toured the farm.  We even took home a tree to plant in our outdoor learning environment.

What's New with DandTatFCE?

Thank you for following us! Here is what we have been up to....
  1. We have completed a science grant with our goal to add a new ant/plant farm and large wooden scales to our outdoor learning environment! 
  2. We have requested through our HSE Foundation grant to expand our outdoor learning environment with a walk sand, tire stand, exercise stand, and a tree stump walk to help engage student with physical activity. 
  3. We will have a Donors Choose grant up soon to help promote imaginary play in our classroom. 
  4. A big THANK YOU to our FCE PTO for expanding our construction area with blocks, books, and cars! Our kiddos are in love with these new materials!
  5. Our dream is to visit Reggio Emilia in Italy. We completed our first traveling grant with hopes to make this dream come alive this summer. We look forward to the opportunity to professionally and personally grow through our learning on the Reggio Emilia approach.
  6. We are looking for community partners who may be interested in partnering with our school for expanding our outdoor learning environment! If you have any suggestions or leads please feel free to reach out! Thank you in advance. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


Our class created calendar.

Our question of the day.